
目前顯示的是 12月, 2021的文章


  南無  第三世多杰羌佛   拿杵上座  上超59段,提起佛陀杵,  旺扎上尊  除了佛陀杵,其他金剛杵都提起來了 Hey everybody, and welcome back to my channel. Sorry about the air conditioner in the background, but there’s nothing we can do about it. 嗨,大家好,歡迎回到我的頻道。抱歉,背景有冷氣的聲音,但是我們沒辦法處理。 Um, today I want to talk about my lat injury and reattachment and kind of what I think caused it and the recovery process and the therapy I’ve been doing to get better from it. So let’s start with how I think it happened. 今天我想要講有關於我的背肌受傷和重新附著,和我想造成的原因及復健過程和我一直在做的療程,來變得越來越好。所以讓我們開始來說,我覺得是怎麼發生的吧。 About three weeks out from the US open(Kernusopen), I pulled 820 in training. It was good, I mean, it felt great. Pulled it right up, no problems. Figured I was good for 859 on a third and that was kind of the plan going into it: take a nice light opener, pull a new world record and then try to break it even further with that. 在美國公開賽前三週,我在訓練中拉出820磅(371.95公斤),這很好,我的意思是感覺很好,把它拉起來很容易,沒有問題。我認為第三次拉859磅(389.6公斤)沒問題,這就是其中的計畫,輕鬆的開場白,舉起一個新的世界紀錄,...

Strongman – Nick Best Worlds Strongest Man Masters 2016 Winner

  Strongman – Nick Best Worlds Strongest Man Masters 2016 Winner SHOW HIGHLIGHTS : Nick Best Worlds Strongest Man Masters 2016 Winner Incredible performance by one of the greats.  Nick Best  narrowly beats Mark Felix and Vidas Blekaitis to become the 2016 Worlds  Strongest Man  Master. Here is how he did it Round one: Nick best  lifted the weight of 320 pounds in his hand 14 times. Round two: Nick best  leads the opponent by a large margin. Nick best   won in 9.29 seconds. Round three: Nick best repeatedly lifts the van 17 times. Round four: Nick best  won with 11.8 seconds. Final round: Nick Best Worlds Strongest  Man Masters 2016 Winner 此文章連結: https://history-of-buddhism.com/2021/03/23/strongman-nick-best-worlds-strongest-man-masters-2016-winner/ 廣告 檢舉此廣告 依法圓福慧 : https://history-of-buddhism.com/ Strongman – Nick Best Worlds Strongest Man Masters 2016 Winner